Solidarity with the Independent Union of Academic Workers of the UNAM (SITTAUNAM)

Solidarität mit dem Arbeitskampf an der Nationalen Universität von Mexiko! [ES/EN]

Solidaridad con el Sindicato Independiente de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores Académicos de la UNAM (SITTAUNAM)
(English below)

El Comité Internacional del Sindicato de Trabajadorxs Libres (FAU-IK) en Alemania se declara en apoyo con el SITTAUNAM en México en su lucha por salarios dignos, estabilidad laboral y condidiciones de trabajo dignas de lxs trabajadorxs académicxs; así como en su lucha por la defensa de la educación como derecho humano, social y político, y la democratización de la universidad en todos sus niveles.

Así mismo, nos sumamos a la exigencia del SITTAUNAM por un nuevo y justo contrato colectivo que no defienda la desigualdad salarial; y también respaldamos su denuncia en contra de la APPAUNAM (sindicato patronal) por las múltiples ilegalidades cometidas en la consulta realizada el pasado 27 y 28 de febrero y su exigencia a la anulación de estas votaciones debido a las irregularidades cometidas por la APPAUNAM y la baja participación (20-35%).

Como trabajadorxs que luchan por ser libres reconocemos y apoyamos la lucha de nuestrxs compañerxs en la UNAM por la mejora de sus condiciones laborales. ¡Ánimo compañerxs, su lucha es nuestra lucha!

Saludos solidarios desde Alemania,

Comité internacional de la FAU


Solidarity with the Independent Union of Academic Workers of the UNAM (SITTAUNAM)

The International Committee of the Free Workers' Union (FAU-IK) in Germany declares its support with the SITTAUNAM in Mexico in its struggle for decent wages, job stability and decent working conditions for academic workers, as well as in its struggle for the defense of education as a human, social and political right, and the democratization of the university at all levels.

Likewise, we stand behind the SITTAUNAM's demand for a new and fair collective contract that does not defend wage inequality; and we also support their protest against the APPAUNAM (pro-employers' union) for the multiple illegalities committed in the election held last February 27 and 28, and their demand for the annulment of these votes due to the irregularities committed by the APPAUNAM and the low participation (20-35%).

As workers who struggle to be free we recognize and support the struggle of our comrades at UNAM for the improvement of their working conditions. Solidarity comrades, your struggle is our struggle!

Greetings from Germany,

FAU International Committee


About the SITTAUNAM (loosely translated from extracts of their statutes)

The Independent Union of Academic Workers of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (SITTAUNAM) was founded in June of 2019 as a conscious, political, democratic, self-managed and free organization. We express a critical vision against any form of exploitation, alienation and subjugation that tends to place human dignity in a disadvantageous situation and undermine it, as well as any form of corruption and impunity; therefore, it endorses any principle of solidarity among its members, as well as with any just social struggle.

We fight for the recognition, improvement and defense of the academic staff, for working conditions, for a fair salary, job stability, teacher training, conditions to exercise academic activity in the best way, framing our struggle in the democratization of the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico), which in turn is part of the general struggle against exploitation and to emancipate humanity from all relations of oppression and domination.

As workers, we seek our own collective identity, with a gender and inclusive perspective, permeated by the logic of democracy, autonomy and the free, voluntary and conscious participation of its members.


  • Equal opportunities for academic development for all academic-labor figures, without privileges.
  • The strengthening of collegial participation and with gender parity in decision making related to academic regulation, up to the multiple evaluation processes of the same work, without labor sanctions and with the priority of strengthening a critical, scientific, humanistic and social education.
  • Defend education as a human, social, and political right, as one of the main obligations of the State to guarantee it; therefore, we will fight for a larger budget for education, as well as its transparent and collegial management in educational institutions, seeking to establish the 8% of GDP recommended by UNESCO for public education.
  • Promote the participation of the university community in the elaboration of educational policies inside and outside our University, as well as in decision making.
  • Maintain the guiding principle of a union with a collegiate leadership, and under the principle of gender parity; therefore, there is no room for personalized leadership or reelection, it is rotating and horizontal at all levels, promotes gender equity, both internally and at the university level.
  • Guarantee, in the internal life of the union and in the representation of workers, the principle of no agreement without an express mandate from the rank and file.
  • To fight for the democratization of UNAM at all levels, in its governing bodies, in the election of directors and in the participation in the formulation of study plans, as well as in the strategic lines of government of UNAM.

    Source (in Spanish):