Doctors without Borders discriminates
The workplace branch of the CNT-AIT (an anarcho-syndicalist union in Spain) at Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Spain is fighting against the precariousness of its fundraising staff. MSF has been discriminating against migrant workers and has also included performance-related clauses in the contracts of all of its fundraising workers.
MSF has discriminated against two foreign workers. The company had to change the contracts of every worker in 2014. As the company was using temporary contracts in an illegal way, it was forced to give everyone to permanent contracts. Everyone except two foreign workers. These workers only have temporary visa and work permit. They have worked for MSF for three years now. MSF HR told the workers that they didn't want them to use the contract with MSF to get a permanent visa in Spain.
The contracts of the fundraising staff includes clauses related to performance. Fundraisers recruit new members on the streets who in turn pay the fees that finance MSF. Workers are required to recruit an unreasonable amount of members. Many of the fundraisers have faced disciplinary actions for not achieving the target imposed by MSF. Disciplinary actions have even ended in redundancies.
The workers are not going to accept more injustices, abuses, discrimination or unionist repression. On 18 May a first trial will take place related to this case. The FAU calls on MSF to stop discriminating an to get rid of perfomance-related clauses.